Monday, December 19, 2011

Abby Abadi's pictures at Ustaz Azhar Idrus Talk.

Abby Abadi's pictures at Ustaz Azhar Idrus Talk. .. Alhamdulillah .. Maybe the heart moved Actress Abby Abadi to wear the hijab and  listen to lectures from Ustaz Idrus.

In terms of clothing may be she can change a lil bit. .. why? Sea the pictures below.. We pray for the changes makes by Abby Abadi

If we look at the picture above .. really beautiful .. our sweet Abby Abady. She took photo with Ustaz Azhar Idrus daughter. Nice and sweet.

But if we look at the pictures below, we can see something wrong with the cloth. 

See. Im not too critisice about this. It's ok. Maybe Abby Abadi need a time to change. Changes can't make to fast. It needs a time. We only can pray, Abby Abadi continue with the hijap. 

Thanz to Allah. Eventhough many things happened in her life, she still can managed to face it. =)


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